We've kept it as non-technical and lighthearted as possible,
and where appropriate there are links to relevant pages within this website
where you can get more detailed information.
2.4GHz - the frequency band of the newest, interference-free 'spread
spectrum' digital rc systems.
· 2 stroke - the most common type
of glow plug engine for rc airplanes. The fuel/air mixture is drawn in, ignited
and spat out with one single revolution of the piston inside the engine.
· 4
stroke - the 2nd most common type of glow plug engine, much more suitable for
larger and scale models because they sound more realistic. 4 stroke engines
take 2 revolutions to do what a 2 stroke does in one, but this doesn't make
them twice as lazy.
· 3D
- a complex form of aerobatic flying, usually with more than one maneuver being
performed simultaneously. 3D airplanes have over-sized control surfaces,
exaggerated control surface deflection and excess power for maximum performance
and sensitivity.
Aerobatic - any maneuver or series of maneuvers that involve stunts of
any kind, such as loops, rolls and spins. An airplane that is capable of
performing such stunts is said to be "fully aerobatic".
Aeromodeling - the general term used to describe the hobby of building
and flying model airplanes and aircraft. Aero modelers are the guys and gals
that do it.
Ailerons - the moving section of the trailing edge of the wing, located
towards the outer end or they can be the whole length of the TE. Ailerons come
in pairs, (left and right) and always work in opposite directions to each other
(one up, one down). When used, they cause the airplane to roll to the left or
Airfoil - the cross-section shape of a wing. Airfoils can be
flat-bottomed, semi-symmetrical or symmetrical, depending on the style of
airplane and what it needs to do. Also written as aerofoil, depending on which
country you are in.
Altitude - the vertical distance between your rc airplane and the
ground, usually expressed in feet (').
Angle of Attack - the angle of the wing (when viewed from the end) in
relation to the horizontal airflow when the airplane is flying. Nothing to do
with your incoming trajectory when trying to cut the tail off your friend's
model in aerial combat games.
- Almost Ready to Crash. An rc airplane or helicopter that knows something that
the pilot is just about to find out.
/ ARTF - Almost Ready To Fly. This one's a legitimate abbreviation. An ARF
model airplane needs a few small finishing touches and you have to install the
engine and radio gear yourself. They vary in degrees of completeness, from
manufacturer to manufacturer.
· Attitude - not the obvious meaning, but
in the flying world 'attitude' refers to the angle of the plane in relation to
the horizontal eg "My plane had a very nose-down attitude, from which it
would not recover..."
Well, in this case you could say that your plane had a 'very
bad attitude'!
Barrel roll - an aerobatic maneuver that involves the airplane following
the twist of a large imaginary corkscrew (horizontal) through the air.
Bind-N-Fly (BNF) - a trademark name for a range of Horizon Hobby
distributed aircraft (namely ParkZone & E-flite) whereby the model is sold
in RTF form but lacks the transmitter. A DSM2 compatible receiver is included
though so you just, er, bind and fly.
Brushless motor - type of electric motor used in rc electric aircraft.
Brush less motors are much more powerful than traditional brushed motors, and
are fast becoming the norm. They can be inrunner or out runner motors.
Buddy Box - one of the best training aids, where the student's
transmitters attached via cable to the instructor's. The student has complete
control over the model, but at the flick of a switch the instructor can take
control if the student gets into difficulties. Or just to be mean, funny or
Bulkhead - the foremost former of your airplane, on to which the engine
is mounted.
Bungee launch - a method of launching rc gliders.
Center of Gravity / CG - the airplane's point of fore-aft balance. As a
very general rule of thumb it's found approximately 1/4 to 1/3 of the way back
from the leading edge of the wing and is built in during the design stage.
Channel - 2 meanings for this in the rc world. First, it can be the
number of channels
that the model has, eg a 1 channel model may have just
motoror rudder control while a 2 channel model will have motor and rudder, etc
etc. Second, the channel number refers to the radio frequency which you're
· Chicken stick - a tough rubber sleeve
that you put on your finger if starting the motor by hand to give essential
protection from the propeller. It can also be a wooden/plastic stick with a
rubber coating on one half that you use to flick over the prop, instead of
using your finger.
Control surface - the term used to describe the moving part of any
flying surface ie rudder, elevator and ailerons are all control surfaces.
Control surface mixing - when two control surface operations are
performed by one pair of surfaces eg when aileron and elevator movement is
combined into elevons.
Channel mixing - when two or more channels are made to operate together
with one transmitter stick movement eg rudder can be mixed with aileron, so
that the rudder automatically deflects when the ailerons are moved.
Crosswind - when the wind is blowing at, or approximately, 90 degrees to
your line of flight, take off or landing.
Crystal - the small component that determines which channel number you
fly on. Both tx and rx need to have an identically matching crystal for the
radio set to function. 2.4GHz spread spectrum sets don't require crystals.
· Dead stick - when your airplane's motor
cuts out unexpectedly in mid-air. With any luck you'll have enough altitude to
glide safely in for a nice landing, otherwise you may need to use your plastic
Differential aileron - when the ailerons are set up to move upwards more
than downwards, to counteract any adverse yaw during a turn caused by extra
drag on the outer wing from the down aileron.
Dihedral - the upward angle of the wings when viewed from the front. An airplane
with dihedral is more stable in the air than one without.
Disorientation - when you lose sight of which way up your rc airplane is
and what it's doing, either because it's too far away to see properly or
because you've just flown it directly over your head and momentarily lost all
visual reference to everything. Not much fun when it gets you.
Drag - the force that is created by the movement of the airplane through
the air, on the air immediately surrounding the plane. High drag means that the
model has to work harder to cut through the air. Low drag, oddly enough, means
the opposite.
A real drag is the term used to describe your flying day
when it's not going to plan.
/ DSM2 - a type of technology developed by Spectrum for their spread spectrum
2.4GHz rc systems. Stands for Digital Spectrum Modulation, the '2' just being
the newer updated version of the original.
Dual rates - a feature of many rc systems, whereby the control surface
deflection can be reduced while still maintaining full movement of the
transmitter sticks. With dual rates enabled, the airplane is less sensitive to
control inputs.
Electric starter - a glorified 12 volt electric motor with a special end
cup that you place over the spinner to turn the motor over until it starts,
hopefully. You can see one here
Elevator - the moving section at the rear of the horizontal stabilizer,
or tailplane, that controls the pitch attitude of the airplane.
Elevons - when elevator and aileron control is made by the same control
surface, this surface is called an elevon(s). Only possible with a mixing
facility on the rc set.
- Electronic Speed Controller - the small unit that delivers the appropriate
amount of power from the motor battery pack to the motor, depending on your
input at the transmitter.
FASST - Futaba's answer to Spectrum's DSM technology. Stands for Futaba
Advanced Spread Spectrum Technology and uses warp-speed frequency hopping to
ensure no breakdown of signal.
Field box - a box that you take to the field. It contains all your
flying accessories and tools, except the one thing that you need on the day
when no-one else is at the field. You can see one here. Also often called a
flight box, particularly when it gets kicked through the air just after you've
written off your model.
Field equipment - accessories and equipment that you take to the field
in your field box. Apart from that one crucial thing...
· Fin
- also called the vertical stabilizer, it's the vertical surface at the rear of
the airplane used to stabilize the plane in flight.
Flaps - moving sections of the trailing edge of the wing, usually found
between the ailerons and fuselage. Used to create more lift at slower flying
speeds and also to slow the plane on landing approach, flaps are usually only
found on rc airplanes with 5 or more channels.
Flaperons - a single control surface on the trailing edge of each wing
that does the job of flaps and ailerons. An rc system with control mixing
capability is needed to have flaperons.
Flare - the action taken in the last few seconds of the landing
approach, to reduce the approach angle and slow the rate of descent. Forgetting
this crucial action may result in you needing your plastic bag.
Frequency - all radio control gear works on frequencies. Best explained
Fuel lock - when your glow engine gets flooded and the excess fuel
inside the engine prevents you from being able to flick over the prop. It
usually happens if you've over-primed the engine, and if you're starting the
engine by hand you really know about it.
Fuselage - the main body of an airplane, excluding wings, tail and
everything else. Flying wings, oddly enough, don't have much in the way of a
Glow plug - sits in the top of the engine's cylinder head and contains
an electrical filament that glows red hot to ignite the fuel/air mixture in the
combustion chamber. Glow plugs have an uncanny habit of burning out on the one
day that you've run out of spare ones, and no-one else is at the flying field.
Glow plug igniter / starter - used to ignite the glow plug. Obviously.
Gravity - the force that every rc airplane is trying to beat. RC pilots
are often caught out when gravity decides to have some fun and suddenly
increases its strength without warning. This common phenomenon is also known as
pilot error or radio failure.
Hand launch - the way to launch any flying model without an
undercarriage. The model should be held level at head-height and launched into
wind. A hefty shove is needed, but don't throw the model like a ball.
Alternatively an under arm lob gets the job done, if you're feeling confident.
Horizontal stabilizer - also called the tailplane. The horizontal
surface at the back of the fuselage, to which the elevators are attached.
Inrunner - a type of brushless motor where the permanent magnets and
motor shaft rotates within the fixed stator, as in a normal brushed motor.
Inrunners don't provide a lot of torque so usually need to be geared.
Landing - the action of bringing your model safely back down to earth,
hopefully keeping it in one piece. A good landing negates the use of the
plastic bag.
Landing gear - also called the undercarriage. Refers to all wheels and
associated bits. Landing gear can be fixed or retractable up into the underside
of the wing or fuselage (called 'retracts', usually only found on models with 5
channels or more).
Leading edge - the front edge of the wing, tailplane or rudder.
Lift - the force created by the forward motion of the airplane's wing or
helicopter's rotor blades. Air pressure over the wing is less than the pressure
below the wing and so the wing, along with the rest of the model, is pushed
Li-Po - stands for lithium ion polymer battery. These are the most
modern kind of battery pack being used in electric aircraft. They provide
enormous amounts of power for their size, especially when used in conjunction
with a brushless motor.
Loop - an aerobatic maneuver whereby the airplane flies a vertical
circle in the air. The easiest stunt of all to pull off, and any airplane with
an elevator can do them. Just make sure you're not flying too close to the
ground first...
Mid-air - term used to describe the unfortunate incident of two or more
aircraft making physical contact with each other while in flight. A mid-air
collision can be very spectacular given the correct speeds and trajectories of
each model, and all models involved in such a crowd-pleasing incident always
end up going home in the plastic bag.
Mixing - the ability to combine two different rc functions into one. See
control surface mixing and channel mixing above.
Mode 1 - refers to the set-up of the transmitter whereby the left stick
operates the elevator and rudder, and the right stick operates the throttle and
ailerons. Common in the UK.
Mode 2 - refers to the set-up of the transmitter whereby the left stick
operates the throttle and rudder, and the right stick operates the elevator and
ailerons. Common in North America and much of the world.
NiCD - abbreviation for nickel cadmium, a type of metal used in
rechargeable battery cell production. Also written as 'nicads', they are a form
of rechargeable battery cell used in radio control gear as well as motor
battery packs. NiCDs are being used less and less these days, as NiMH and Li-Po
batteries take over.
NiMH - abbreviation for nickel metal hydride, the other type of material
used in rechargeable batteries. They are the successors to NiCDs with much
better performance and up to 3 times the capacity for an equally sized battery.
Only Li-Pos top NiMHs.
· Nitro - short for nitro methane, or
nitromethane, depending on who you believe. It's a principle ingredient of glow
fuel and is crucial in keeping the fuel/air mixture burning inside the
oxygen-starved combustion chamber of the engine.
· Non-scale - any model that is not
modeled from a real-life airplane, helicopter or whatever.
Outrunner - the other type of brushless motor, where the outer casing,
or 'can', of the motor rotates with the shaft and permanent magnets, which are
attached to the inside of the can. Outrunners produce more torque, so they are
more powerful than inrunners and are rarelygeared.
"Oh nooo" - hearing this term from an rc pilot usually
indicates that his/her airplane isn't doing what he/she wants it to do. 'Oh
nooo' soon changes into mixed swear words if the airplane's situation
Park Flyer - the general name given to any electric rc airplane that can
be safely flown in a public park / school yard / parking lot / sports field
· Peg
board - the most common form of frequency control used at rc flying clubs.
Pilots must notify other pilots of which channel they are using by pushing a
peg into a hole. Very high-tech.
Pilot error - any mistake, particularly one that ends in a crash, made
by the pilot for whatever reasons. Pilot error is never admitted to by the
pilot in question. Instead, the incident is traditionally put down to radio
failure, radio interference, unexplained gusts of wind, extra fast-growing
trees, the strange phenomenon of the ground suddenly lifting upwards and
getting in the way without warning, or gravity having some fun and suddenly
increasing its strength.
· Pitch
attitude - the upward or downward angle of the airplane in relation to the
horizontal, when viewed from the side. Pitch is controlled by the elevators.
Pitch - the angle of a wing, propeller blade or helicopter rotor in
relation to the airflow over it. The pitch angle of a moving wing or blade is
known as the Angle of Attack.
Plastic bag - the thing used to take home the pieces that was once your
beloved model aircraft, before you failed to keep it airborne at the wrong
moment, or didn't manage to pull off the best of landings, or tried to perform
an aerobatic maneuver too close to the ground...
RC pilots who have used plastic bags can be laughed at here.
Plug-N-Play (PNP) - Ready To Fly models that are missing the transmitter
and receiver, allowing the pilot to use his/her own.
Power panel - a small central control box for all your electrical field
equipment items, typically powered by a 12V battery.
Pre-flight checks - essential checks that you need to carry out
immediately before flight.Priming - the action of introducing fuel in to the
engine prior to starting it. Over-priming often causes fuel lock.
Propeller - the thing at the front of the airplane. It spins round very
fast when the motor is running. Propellers have been known to eat the fingers
of careless rc pilots who hand start their motor without the use of a chicken
stick. Props will fly off at an alarming speed, if the securing nut hasn't been
tightened properly.
Prop - abbreviation for propeller.
Radio failure - very occasionally this happens, but the uncontrollable
actions of the model are usually down to pilot error, not that they'd ever
admit to it.
Radio interference - when two (or more) identical, or close, frequencies
are being used at the same time the radio signals will mix together, so your
model's receiver won't know which ones to respond to. Radio interference is
also a good cover-up for pilot error. 2.4GHz rc systems pretty much eliminate
radio interference altogether.
Radio signals - the invisible messages that pass from transmitter to
receiver, telling the model what to do. OK until someone turns on a transmitter
of the same frequency...
Range check - an essential pre-flight check to test the operation of
your rc gear.
· RC
or R/C - abbreviation for Radio Control. Often you'll see 'remote control', but
'radio control' is the technically correct term.
· RC
flight simulator - a home computer based training aid that lets you practice
flying radio control from the safety and comfort of your house. Excellent for
novice rc pilots, particularly those looking at flying rc helicopters. More
details here.
Receiver - part of the radio control gear that lives inside the model
and picks up the radio signals sent out by the transmitter.
Retracts - abbreviation for 'retractable undercarriage', which is an
undercarriage that folds up into the airplane's wings or fuselage after take
off. They work most of the time, but sometimes they decide not to re-appear just
when you need them the most.
Roll - the rotational movement of an airplane about its longitudinal
axis. Also an aerobatic maneuver whereby the airplane is rolled about its
longitudinal axis through 360 degrees, while trying to keep the thing in a
straight line.
- Ready To Crash. RTC models are in the throws of making unplanned air to
ground contact, and nothing can be done to prevent it. Usually a result of
pilot error, but never admitted to.
· RTF - Ready To Fly. RTF models can be
assembled in minutes, usually it's a case of just strapping on the wing. RTFs
are very popular these days.
Rudder - the moving section on the back half of the fin. Used to control
the airplane's yaw.
· Rx
- abbreviation for receiver.
Scale - any model that has been modeled from a real aircraft, such as a
Piper Cub or P-51 Mustang for example.
Semi-scale - any model that is loosely based on a real aircraft, with
maybe a few details left out or proportions changed.
Servo - the part of the radio control gear that converts the radio
signal into movement.
Servo reverse - a feature on rc systems whereby the direction of the
servo horn movement can be reversed, if the builder has been daft enough to
install the servo the wrong way round.
Slow Flyer - different name for Park Flyer. Or a model that is
experiencing engine problems, or a very strong headwind.
Spin - an aerobatic maneuver whereby the airplane is flown vertically
down towards the ground, while being made to roll. Easy to get into one but not
always so easy to get out of, especially when the airplane-to-ground distance
has been badly judged. In this instance, you will need to use the plastic bag.
Spinner - the plastic cone-shaped piece that covers the center of the
propeller. Planes without spinners never quite look complete...
· Sport airplanes - a general term for model
airplanes that can be used for training on but are also capable of aerobatic
maneuvers, whether intentional or not.
Spread spectrum - the latest technology for radio control systems. Based
on the 2.4GHz frequency band, spread spectrum radio systems are virtually
Stall - any flying model will stall when the flying speed gets too low
and the necessary amount of lift needed to hold the model in the air is lost.
Getting to know your model's stalling speed by reducing throttle and applying
up elevator at the same time is a very good idea, but don't practice too close
to the ground if you want to avoid using the plastic bag.
Stall turn - an aerobatic maneuver whereby the airplane is put into a
vertical climb, power is reduced and full rudder is applied. The airplane
should stop in mid-air and turn through 180 degrees, thus facing the ground, in
the direction that the rudder was applied. And don't forget to pull out of the
ensuing dive.
Straight and level - when your rc airplane is flying in a straight line,
with no fluctuation in altitude. A well trimmed airplane should fly straight
and level with the tx sticks in their central positions.
Take off - the action of accelerating your airplane along the ground
until flying speed is reached, and the thing gets airborne. Only suitable for
models with an undercarriage, otherwise you're limited to hand launching.
Taildragger - an airplane that has 2 main wheels and a small tailwheel.
Taildraggers have a habit of going round in circles on the ground when you're
learning how to take off.
Tailplane - see horizontal stabilizer.
Tail wind - when the wind is blowing in the same direction as your plane
is flying, taking off or landing. Flying with a tail wind not only increases
the plane's airspeed, but also its stalling speed, and that's never good.
Thrust - the force that is generated by the spinning propeller or
fan/turbine of the airplane, and pushes/pulls the model through the air.
Trailing edge - the rear edge of the wing, tailplane or rudder.
Trainer - any rc airplane that has been designed for learning to fly on.
Usually trainers are high wing, with plenty of dihedral..
Transmitter - the main part of the radio control system that you hold in
your hands while trying to control your model airplane.
Trimming - the action of getting your model to fly straight and level,
with the transmitter sticks in their neutral positions and no input from you.
Tricycle undercarriage - a fixed undercarriage that consists of 2 main
wheels and a nose wheel, which is sometimes connected to the rudder servo for
easier ground handling. Often abbreviated to 'trike'.
· Tx
- abbreviation for transmitter.
· Undercarriage - see landing gear.
Vertical stabilizer - see fin.
Windsock - a large material cone-shaped tube, mounted on a tall pole at
the flying field, that indicates the direction of the wind. Important because
rc airplanes need to be taken off and landed into wind where possible.
Wing - come on, seriously??
Wing loading - a calculation that is useful when determining certain
flight performance characteristics of a plane, the figure is obtained by
dividing the flying weight of the airplane by the total wing area. A plane with
large wings relative to its weight will have a lower wing loading, which means
better lifting capacity but not so great high speed performance, and vice
versa. Wing loading values are given in oz/sq.ft (ounces per square foot).
I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well.
ReplyDeleteRc Helicopter | Aeromodelling
Amazing article. I am so impressed.
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